The first rule of biodynamic agriculture is to not damage the land, operating according to ideas, feelings and intuitions related to the characteristics of the territory. A method of cultivation free from preconceptions, which evolves season after season, year after year, is perfected with experience and observation. Returning to those universal principles in which, in the logic of large-scale production, man now systematically neglects, at the expense of the ecosystem but also of the goodness and healthiness of food.
La Cerreta is a Demeter Certified Biodynamic Farm which, following a differentiated and closed cycle, produces wine, oil, meat, cured meats, cheeses, fruit, chestnuts, fodder, honey, eggs, extra fruit jams, yogurt, ice cream and has indigenous herds of cattle, pigs, horses, bees and poultry.
A variety that ensures biodiversity to the ecosystem, essential to maintaining the right balance in production cycles and to gather resources of excellent quality, from the point of view of flavors, authenticity, nutritional and energy values.
As a farm, La Cerreta implements a measured and high quality production, the result of twenty years of experience in which we have preserved and stimulated the harmony of the phenomena of self-regulation of the Earth. With simplicity and passion, we offer a cross-section of the peasant culture of the Alta Maremma, which has in gastronomy, equestrian culture, agriculture, and hospitality. The strengths with which to revitalize the whole territory, without giving up its identity .

La Cerreta includes various indigenous biodynamic farms of cattle, pigs, horses, bees and poultry, which follow a differentiated and closed cycle. As a biodynamic company, we aim to be a self-sufficient biological unit, where earth, vegetation, animals and men are in balance with each other, contributing to the mutual sustenance. In the wake of this vision, all the animals of La Cerreta live in groups and feed on the fruits of the forest such as acorns, chestnuts, grass and grains.
The pig farms concern two main breeds: Cinta Senese and Nero della Cerreta, a breed that we have selected over the decades. Our cows, which are not dehorned in respect to the animal, are of Maremma and Alpine brown breed, the latter suitable for the production of excellent milk, which we use to produce cheeses, ice cream and yogurt.
Among the most important agricultural activities there is bee breeding, an ancient tradition of La Cerreta. Lastly, we also breed Livornese chickens and Maremma horses.